Open Switch

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Process Mapping

This tool aims at analyzing the current processes of an institution and enable the identification of problems in each mapped process. This methodology, based on interviews ("The day in the life"), allows the definition of metrics to compare the current and other suggested solutions to help identifying which one should be applied. It also promotes users integration and involvement, such as a clear interface identification with external systems.

The main objectives of the tool are:

  • Functional mapping of the areas.
  • Identification of gaps in the processes not automated.
  • Supporting for the interviews based methodology.
  • It is a web application, thus it allows multiple simultaneous interviewers and business analysts entries.
  • Detailed survey of the current areas processes.
  • Detailed survey of unmet needs.
  • Definition of optimized processes.
  • To propose the elimination of manual processes based on existing weaknesses.
  • Staff management of the user areas that are involved in the project.
  • Documentation of existing and desired data flows and the workflow.
  • Definition of a software tool that meets the needs identified.
  • Selecting a software through metrics for evaluating market solutions.
  • Analysis of current processes.
  • Interview records to identify current routines ("A day in the life")
  • Identify characters involved.
  • Documentation of the current processes.
  • Identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies processes.
  • Obtain end users approval for the current process documentation.
  • Storage and design processes.
  • Identify and document deficiencies("gaps").
  • Analysis of data sources and interfaces.
  • Identify the needs for data.
  • Mapping of data sources and interfaces.
  • Data mapping with users and technology departament.
  • Integration of data sources and interfaces.
  • Mapping the need for pattern interfaces.
  • Review of the current reports and forms.
  • Identify the need for additional reports.
  • Determine the criteria for applications prioritization.
  • Determine the process impacts.
  • Evaluate the available tools.
  • Register the users approval.
  • Issuance of reports.

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